Hello Rider,

Welcome to EVE Datacore website, a collection of tools and data for the game EVE Frontier. The game is actually in alpha test and take place in a large space universe like EVE Online, but with a different gameplay. The game empowers players to shape the world using the Redstone blockchain (Actually Garnet testnet during the alpha).
Visit the website for more informations: https://www.evefrontier.com/

Here you can explore world users data like characters, corporations, assemblies, killmails.
As well it provide a simple access to blockchain Mud world data: namespaces, tables, systems and functions

Data displayed is very accurate and fresh as it comes directly from the blockchain tables via the Mud indexer.

Additionally, you'll find various calculators and an advanced route planner to help optimize your journey through the universe.

Feedbacks and bug reports are welcome, contact me

Fly safe o7